On September 25, three days ahead of the Korean national holiday, GIA Minerva Baccalaureate students packed their laptops and headphones, some with their instruments, and headed to Seoul Station. As soon as arrived at 9 AM, they opened the laptops and joined the class at Starbucks. Others who didn’t have class prepared the classes and collaborated freely.
At 3 PM, GIA Minerva Baccalaureate students again gathered in the plaza in front of the cafe and pulled up their instruments. Many homeless have already been crowded. With a trembling voice and nervous feelings, the GIA orchestra and other students praised God and blessed the people before them.
Following the music concert, every student grabbed the homeless’ hands and prayed for their lives and faith. A few students were so touched by their innocent smiles and enthusiastic cheers that cried with them. That day, GIA Minerva Baccalaureate students not only showed love but were completely absorbed by the love from people in the street whom everyone usually avoided and passed with disinterest.